Romans 11:1-6

“If it is by grace, it is no longer by works.”

                         – Romans 11:6

What is God’s Word for me today?

When I was a kid, I loved to build model cars. I would save my $1 weekly allowance, and when I had enough money, dad would take me to Gene’s Model Shop at Sharpstown Mall, where I’d buy another model, plus the necessary paint, brushes, paint thinner, and glue. One time, I really wanted the 1957 T-Bird model, but was $5 short. In a rare moment of benevolence, dad let me borrow the money. I bought the model, built it in a day, and was very proud of it. But the next Saturday, I did not receive my allowance. It took me five weeks to pay him back.

Perhaps we see God that way. He paid for our “model,” whether it is eternal life, security, hope, joy, or peace. He paid for it on the cross. And by faith we have received that gift. For me, it happened at the age of 14. But we impose the “grace + works” formula on God. I mean, my dad was good enough to pay for my model, but I then had to work to pay him back. It’s called “payback time.” Doesn’t it work that way with God? Read my type: “No new works!” What God pays for does not need to be paid back. As Paul said, “If it is by grace, it is no longer by works.” It comes down to grace and works. But you can only choose one. And only one “works.”

How does this make me become like Him?

I become more like Jesus when I realize the magnitude of his grace. God did not provide for me then ask me to pay him back. He provided for me, and then asks me to receive his gift. So learn to relax in his grace. You can never pay God for what is already bought. But you can thank him for his grace. And you can become like Him.