“Generous people plan to do what is generous

and they stand firm in their generosity.”

                   – Isaiah 37:8

What is God’s Word for me today?

This week we have been talking about moving from “normal” to “right” in the area of giving. How do we do this on a very practical level? Let me offer three levels of giving. The first level is the spontaneous level. When you see a need, you respond. When you hear about someone in a difficult position, you offer to help. You have a natural tendency to bless others. It is spontaneous. The second level of giving is strategic. Strategic givers don’t wait for opportunities to approach them. They go looking for ways to be a blessing. They plan. They ask themselves, “How can I be more generous? How can I exercise a generous eye?”

The third, and highest level of giving, is the level of sacrifice. Spontaneous givers are random in their generosity. Strategic givers plan ways to give. But sacrificial givers give from resources “normal” people would spend on themselves. They take money from their vacation fund to bless the homeless. They set aside money from their Christmas fund for someone who has no food. They give like the widow of Mark 12 who gave all she had.

How does this make me become like Him?

What level of giving are you on right now? Put on your 3-D glasses, and take a look at yourself in a way others cannot see. Do you give spontaneously, strategically, or sacrificially? When you get to that highest level, you have taken a giant step to become like Him.